nursery insurance
nursery growers
Nursery crop insurance is divided into two main coverage plans: Catastrophic risk protection and buy-up coverage. Catastrophic risk protection (CAT) keeps your investment secure in the event of a disastrous event. With CAT policies you get 50 percent coverage at 55 percent of the price.

Peak Inventory

Line-Out Stock

Nursery Grower
To qualify for nursery crop insurance, the plants you are raising must be on the eligible plant list at Over half of your nursery’s gross income must come from wholesale sales and you must follow the production practices established for your plant. The qualifications for nursery crop insurance can seem confusing, but the experts at Crop Insurance Solutions are here to help you get the best coverage for your nursery at the best price.
Equal Opportunity
Crop Insurance Solutions, LLC is an equal opportunity provider; for more information, or to report program discrimination, please click here
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601 1st Street
Milford, Nebraska 68405
Tel: (877) 731-3334